Time Walks By

Finding Solace in Time’s Leisurely Stroll

2 min readOct 15, 2023
personal documentation

I don’t like how time flies. I’d rather it to walk beside me, gently guiding through life’s journey. In a leisurely stroll, allowing me to appreciate every small details that make up my existance. It shouldn’t be rushed, it has it’s own pace, moving steadily and purposefully.

When I’m too caught up in a moment, time seems to stretch before me. As if the universe granting me extra minutes to fully immerse myself in the experience, like a gentle walk, observing the world around me with clarity and appreciating the beauty in every step.

Sometimes it went really slowy. Reminding me not to hurry, urging to remain present, navigating through pain and sadness. It becomes a companion, lending a hand, offering the chance to reflect and growth.

Just like a reliable friend, witnessing my joys, triumphs, sorrows and failures. Presenting in every memory and lesson, looking after me, who’s slowly becoming a different person.

In a world that glorifies speed and efficiency, time may appear to fly. Yet, I found solace in its unhurried pace. Like a gentle walk, I learn to savor each moment, appreciating the mundane, and finding joy from the simplest of things.

Instead of believing that time flies by, I choose to believe that time walks slowly beside me, guiding my way with grace and encouraging me to take the most of every step I take.

Have a lovely sunday, everyone 🌼❤️




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