The Expression

Express oneself with no shame or stigma

4 min readMay 19, 2023
source: unsplash

We all may find ourselves not liking the circumstances and things we experience in our lives but we have to come to the terms of accepting that we will get the things in our life, we want just going down the long road that is challenging enough to make us stronger and wiser in the long run. I feel that if we keep ourselves in our comfort zone, nothing challenges in life that we face, we won’t improve and make better ourselves.

I’ve been thinking over the past few years with starting to create my own writing as a way of expression myself that also helps contribute to maintain my mental health.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to express myself through writing. Since I was 10, I used to write everything I did in that day, especially the unique moment, in my personal diary. Such as when I got a red mark on my test result, fought with my friend when we were playing basketball, or even I lost my favourite crayon, I wrote every moment. And by that I mean writing, I have felt glad enough without telling people around me.

Social media is one of the medium to express my thoughts, explain my feelings. The app I’ve been using like everyday I open is Twitter. There is something about 280-character conciseness that helps me extract thoughts from my head. I can’t say it like I normally would in a 1,000-word blog post. No, it’s gotta be bite-sized and in text for Twitter. Other social media apps push video, or audio, or features like 15-second stories. Not Twitter. I can be myself on Twitter. Yeah, occasionally I open Instagram like once in a blue moon, I'm just looking for scholarship info or just want to know how my friends are. Every once in a while I post my ig story for announcing to my followers that I'm still exist wkwk. Of course, I have some groups with my best friends and I feel so grateful for having that.

I just find it a little weird because I wasn't like this before, there's something different in my personal life. When I was in college, I was one of those people who openly spoke out. And nowadays I became a thinker person, really really have to think before I act or speak, even if I was asked to repost ig story by my colleague, I still had to reconsider up until 10 times to do it! But I still have a cool and great relationship with them. I don't know, has this behaviour gone too far? Am I the only one like this? Or are those others too?

However, I gradually accepted my situation and I hope my friends understand it, why Im rarely active in Instagram. One of the best reasons is I have loved Twitter wkwkw, besides I can express my thoughts more maximally without judgement, there are so many things on it, funny, strange, inspirative, sensational, etc. It's all on Twitter! To me, writing creatively and speaking my own mind without letting any amount of shame get in the way, has become more smooth, creative, optimistic and powerful than ever now that I’m taking more control that was already within my own self to make my own. It’s my life, and I intend on living it to the absolute fullest in which I plan on living by my own terms!

For so long I kept my feelings, thoughts, creative ideas, dreams and everything that ever meant something to me including my purpose that are especially close to my heart. For so long I felt like I didn’t matter which was in the responsibility or accountability of my parents. The best way of expression myself is what I’ve been doing already over the months or year and what I’ll be doing in the near future! And I intend to put my everything into my work.

I think this is my new and improved life and I hope you get inspired and encouraged to create a life of your own instead of living by the standards and expectations of society and the government. Some of the rules go against one’s own happiness. One thing that I’m saying here is that I don’t intend or mean to say that it’s okay to be a criminal and commit crimes of any kind, I just mean that we have every right to express ourselves freely however we want to.

We have freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Let’s not put that to waste.




Thank you for visiting my profile! Enjoy reading ❤️