The First Autumn

What’s the random thing that makes you so touched and shed tears?

2 min readSep 16, 2023
Maple Tree in Wahroonga

You welcome me

I stare out the car window
while I sit on the backseat,
a soft wool scarf snug
around my neck

Cupping a mug of
steaming milk coffee in right hand,
I watch, transfixed
As you scatter gold-red leaves
over the wet grass

Memories sneak out of my eye
and roll down my cheeks
I erase and sip the coffee
What a magical place, dear

in front of the "Hogwarts" school

Autumn is here, the leaves are falling
On the damp lawns and on the pavement
Autumn is picturesque and melancholic
Bit by bit. The smiles become dramatic

Remember my king,
promise to face other universe
Already seen one of them
Looking forward to thousands more

This is autumn,
Not as colorful tulips in Keukenhof spring,
gorgeous skiing in Zermatt winter,
or mystical diagon alley in Orlando summer

Oh God,
Be a grateful slave is a must
Like a flowing water
Downstream towards the ocean
Believing Your plans will always be the greatest

there’s something about you that sings me
Thank you, Sydney!

It's too beautiful, isn't it?




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